dfsep = 0.4 # separation at 40% between labels and edit boxes
dlgdef = """
Style = "15"
Caption = "Search by classname"
sep: = {Typ="S" Txt=" "}
classname: = {
Txt = " Search for :"
Typ = "E"
SelectMe = "1"
scope: = {
Typ = "CL"
Txt = " Search in :"
Items = "%s"
Values = "%s"
kind: = {
Typ = "C"
Txt = " Object type :"
Items = "%s"
Values = "%s"
sep: = {Typ="S" Txt=" "}
ok:py = { }
cancel:py = { }
def search1(self):
return self.search_list(self.src["classname"])
# Search by Specific/Arg.
class SearchBySpec(SearchDlg):
# dialog layout
size = (300, 214)
dfsep = 0.4 # separation at 40% between labels and edit boxes
dlgdef = """
Style = "15"
Caption = "Search by Specific/Arg"
sep: = {Typ="S" Txt=" "}
spec: = {
Txt = " Search for Specific :"
Typ = "E"
SelectMe = "1"
Hint = "Specific to search for (optionnal)"
arg: = {
Txt = " Search for Arg :"
Typ = "E"
Hint = "Arg to search for (optionnal)"
scope: = {
Typ = "CL"
Txt = " Search in :"
Items = "%s"
Values = "%s"
kind: = {
Typ = "C"
Txt = " Object type :"
Items = "%s"
Values = "%s"
sep: = {Typ="S" Txt=" "}
ok:py = { }
cancel:py = { }
def search1(self):
spec = self.src["spec"]
arg = self.src["arg"]
list = self.search_list()
if not spec:
if not arg:
testfn = lambda x: 1
def testfn(obj, arg0=arg):
for spec, arg in obj.dictspec.items():
if arg == arg0:
return 1
return 0
if not arg:
def testfn(obj, spec0=spec):
return obj[spec0]
def testfn(obj, spec0=spec, arg0=arg):
return obj[spec0]==arg0
return filter(testfn, list)
# Register these new menu items for the "Search" menu.
quarkpy.mapsearch.items.append(quarkpy.qmenu.item("Object by &name", SearchByName, "|Object by name:\n\nThis function will search for an object (which are also called Entities) by its 'classname' (the type of game entity it represents, a particular monster, weapon, item...).", "intro.mapeditor.menu.html#searchmenu"))
quarkpy.mapsearch.items.append(quarkpy.qmenu.item("Object by &Specific/Aug", SearchBySpec, "|Object by Specific/Aug:\n\nThis function will search for all objects (which are also called Entities) by a particular Specific (key) or Argument (value) setting.", "intro.mapeditor.menu.html#searchmenu"))
quarkpy.mapsearch.items.append(quarkpy.qmenu.item("&Broken polys and faces", Brok1Click, "|Broken polys and faces:\n\nThis function will search your map for any invalid polyhedrons and faces which do not belong to a polyhedron.", "intro.mapeditor.menu.html#searchmenu"))
# ----------- REVISION HISTORY ------------
# $Log: mapsearch1.py,v $
# Revision 1.9 2003/12/17 13:58:59 peter-b
# - Rewrote defines for setting Python version
# - Removed back-compatibility with Python 1.5
# - Removed reliance on external string library from Python scripts
# Revision 1.8 2003/03/21 05:47:45 cdunde
# Update infobase and add links
# Revision 1.7 2002/04/07 12:46:06 decker_dk
# Pretty separator.
# Revision 1.6 2001/10/08 22:44:09 tiglari
# revert to original and redo indent fix and separators